Macbeth-Schürze (Eye of Newt) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Olive green cotton apron with black neck loop and ties. The apron is printed with an etching in black of a man in Stuart dress and a fine beard. Over this is printed a quote from Shakespeare play, Much Ado About Nothing, "he that hath no beard is less than a man" in dusty pink hand-drawn letters
Olive green cotton apron with black neck loop and ties. The apron is printed with an etching in black of a man in Stuart dress and a fine beard. Over this is printed a quote from Shakespeare play, Much Ado About Nothing, "he that hath no beard is less than a man" in dusty pink hand-drawn letters
Viel Lärm um nichts Schürze (Kein Bart) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Schürze „Ein Sommernachtstraum“ (Fierce) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White apron with a bloody handprint design
White apron with a bloody handprint design
Macbeth Apron (Hands Ne'er be Clean?) - Print to Order zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black cotton apron with natural ties and neck loop printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. A photographic background of cream and peach roses, over this a quote from the play, "parting is such sweet sorrow" in fancy light pink capital letters with a darker pink outline
Black cotton apron with natural ties and neck loop printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. A photographic background of cream and peach roses, over this a quote from the play, "parting is such sweet sorrow" in fancy light pink capital letters with a darker pink outline
Romeo & Julia Schürze (Such Sweet Sorrow) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White cotton apron with black neck loop and ties, printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Romeo & Juliet. A background of black and white flowers and green poison bottles with a quote fro the play, "a plague on both you house" printed in white capital letters.
White cotton apron with black neck loop and ties, printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Romeo & Juliet. A background of black and white flowers and green poison bottles with a quote fro the play, "a plague on both you house" printed in white capital letters.
Romeo & Julia Schürze (Beide deine Häuser) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White cotton apron printed with a large print of colourful summer flowers. Ove rthe flowers in a fancy font is the first line from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?)
White cotton apron printed with a large print of colourful summer flowers. Ove rthe flowers in a fancy font is the first line from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 (Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?)
Sonett 18 Schürze (Soll ich dich vergleichen) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Pale green cotton apron with natural cotton straps, featuring white typographic text
Macbeth Typographic Apron (Hurly-Burly) - Print to Order zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Colours of the Globe Theaterschürze zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White cotton apron with black cotton neck loop and ties, printed with a image celebrating Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet. A background of bright red anatomical and graphic hearts and roses. The graphic hearts have a banner with the words 'love me!' on them. Over the top of this image is a quote from the play "did my heart love till now?" in white capital letters.
White cotton apron with black ties and red tattoo style graphic hearts with white text overlayed
Romeo & Julia Schürze (Love Till Now?) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black cotton apron with black ties and neck loop, printed with a design celebrating Shakespeare play, The Tempest. A cloud of red bats emanate from the centre of the apron. Over the top of the bats is a quote from the play (hell is empty and all the devils are here) in white capital letters.
Black cotton apron with black ties and neck loop, printed with a design celebrating Shakespeare play, The Tempest. A cloud of red bats emanate from the centre of the apron. Over the top of the bats is a quote from the play (hell is empty and all the devils are here) in white capital letters.
Die Tempest-Schürze (Die Hölle ist leer) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black cotton apron with natural neck loop and ties, printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Titus Andronicus. A red anatomical heart is partly enclosed by a white diamond frame. Gold sun rays emanate from behind the frame. Across the front of the image is a quote from the play (vengeance is in my heart) in white lettering.
Black cotton apron with natural neck loop and ties, printed with an image celebrating Shakespeare play, Titus Andronicus. A red anatomical heart is partly enclosed by a white diamond frame. Gold sun rays emanate from behind the frame. Across the front of the image is a quote from the play (vengeance is in my heart) in white lettering.
Titus Andronicus Schürze (Rache) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Main image
Twelfth Night Apron (Cakes + Ale) - Print to Order zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White cotton apron with orange, yellow and purple graphic text in a bubble design
The Comedy of Errors Apron (Rhyme nor Reason) - Print to Order zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
  • Printed tapestry mesh with single colour wool yarn and paper printed instruction manual
  • White cotton tea towel printed with a large bloody hand-print in reds. Over the hand-print, printed in black is a quote from Shakespeare play, Macbeth (Will these hands ne'er be clean?) The lettering is in an angry, hand-drawn style.
  • Khaki green square coaster made of melamine. The coaster has a quote from Shakespeare play, As You Like It (All the world's a stage) printed in large white capital letters. The lettering is hand-drawn ans made to look as though it is made out of twigs. Several of the letters have little leaves 'growing' out of them. The name of the play is printed in the bottom right-hand corner in lime green
  • White mug with right handle, featuring blue circular mushroom and leaf motif, sitting on Globe stage