Pocket-sized notebook with a kraft card cover. The cover has a design adapted from a lino-print of a bumble bee and a quote from Shakespeare play, Hamlet (to be or not to be). The design is surrounded by a ring of leaves and flowers. The design is printed in black.
Hamlet-Notizbuch (To Bee Or Not To Bee) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Sage green hardback journal with a quote from Shakespeare play, As You Like It (All the world's a stage) printed in white on the cover. The lettering is hand-drawn in a scribble style and has small lime green leaves growing out of it.
Sage green hardback journal with a quote from Shakespeare play, As You Like It (All the world's a stage) printed in white on the cover. The lettering is hand-drawn in a scribble style and has small lime green leaves growing out of it.
Wie es Ihnen gefällt, A6-Hardcover-Tagebuch (All the World's a Stage) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Blue A6 sized hardback journal printed with well known quotes from Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, in white
Blue A6 sized hardback journal printed with well known quotes from Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, in white
Ein Tagebuch mit Sommernachtstraum-Zitaten zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black A6 sized hardback journal printed with well known quotes from Shakespeare play, Macbeth, in white hand-drawn lettering
Reverse of a black hardback journal celebrating Macbeth. The journal is printed centrally with a quote from the play, "what's done cannot be undone" in white
Macbeth Quotes Journal zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Olive green hardback notebook with white graphic text
Olive green hardback notebook with white graphic text
Tagebuch mit Zitaten von Romeo und Julia zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White hardback journal with a black and light green print on the cover.
White hardback journal with a black and light green print on the cover.
Notizbuch „Romeo und Julia“ (Ihre beiden Häuser) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Dark grey A6 sized hardback journal, printed with well known quotes from Shakespeare play, Hamlet, in white hand-drawn lettering.
Reverse of a Hamlet Quotes Journal, with the quote, "to thine ownself be true" printed centrally in white
Hamlet-Zitate-Tagebuch zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Natural colour hardback notebook with red and black graphic text image and orange band closure
Natural colour hardback notebook with red and black graphic text image and orange band closure
Much Ado About Nothing A5 Notebook (Star Danced) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black matt portrait orientated hardback journal with centre white skull graphic and surrounding text
Black matt portrait orientated hardback journal with centre white skull graphic and surrounding text
Hamlet A5 Notebook (Sleep of Death) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Black hardback notebook with black elastic closure on right side, featuring white scratchy graphic text
Richard III A5 Notebook (Bottled Spider) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
White paperback notepad with oval yellow graphic on centre front of cartoon William Shakespeare
White paperback notepad with oval yellow graphic on centre front of cartoon William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Pocket Notepad zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Never Doubt I Love Valentine's Day Notebook Bundle zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
The Merry Wives of Windsor A6 Hardback Journal (Set Hell on Fire) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Kraft notebook with black graphic text depicting Hamlet, with black elastic closure and sharpened pencil sitting next to it
Kraft notebook with black graphic text depicting Hamlet, with black elastic closure and sharpened pencil sitting next to it
Hamlet A5 Kraft Notebook (Quotes) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Notebook with a kraft cover with a blue text print.
Notebook with a kraft cover with a blue text print.
Coriolanus A5 Kraft Notebook (World Elsewhere) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
a notebook with a kraft paper cover and a print of a bonfire in orange and  red with a quote in lack beneath.
Kraft Printed Notebook
Troilus & Cressida A5 Kraft Notebook (Burning Devil) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Kraft notebook with yellow and green vintage travel poster image of forest, with white graphic text over top
Kraft notebook with yellow and green vintage travel poster image of forest, with white graphic text over top
Macbeth A5 Kraft Notebook (Birnam Wood) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Kraft notebook with red anatomical heart graphic on front, covered in white text
Kraft notebook with red anatomical heart graphic on front, covered in white text, black elastic closure on the side
Titus Andronicus A5 Kraft Notebook (Vengeance) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Kraft notebook with red and white graphic text on the front, with black elastic closure
Kraft notebook with red and white graphic text on the front, with black elastic closure
Antony & Cleopatra A5 Kraft Notebook (immortal Longings) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Kraft notebook with image of painted piece of vanilla cake with pink icing and red scratchy text on top
Kraft notebook with image of painted piece of vanilla cake with pink icing and red scratchy text on top, with black elastic closure
Twelfth Night A5 Kraft Notebook (Cake) zum Warenkorb hinzufügen
Natural wood panel floor with uniformly laid out hardback and paperback Shakespeare themed journals and notebooks and pens
Natural wood panel floor with uniformly laid out hardback and paperback Shakespeare themed journals and notebooks and pens
  • White cotton pencil case with black zipper and yellow oval portrait of cartoon shakespeare
  • Orange ballpoint pen with a printed quote on the barrel. The quote from Shakespeare play, Macbeth, is printed in black and white capital letters (Something wicked this way comes) The name of the play is printed in black under the quote. The Shakespeare's Globe logo is printed in black on the clip.
  • Green poison bottle, black quote dagger drawing, black quote, black quote and hand with blood quote from Macbeth