Mulled Traditional Mead 750 ml
The perfect addition to any festive celebration. Crafted with a meticulous balance of sweet honey and an array of comforting spices, including cinnamon, cassia, and cloves, our Mulled Mead provides a rich, spiced sweetness that embraces your palate.
Each sip conjures the snug warmth of winter evenings by the fireside. Enjoy it as is, gently warmed, or add a dash of rum for an extra dose of festive spirit, making it the perfect customisable drink for any festive occasion.
Quaff on! (Responsibly.)
This product can only be shipped within the UK.
Every purchase you make supports the work of Shakespeare's Globe. Thank you!
Brewed by Hive Mind, Wye Valley Co, Wales, on British wildflower and heather honey.
750 ml glass bottle. 6% alcohol by volume.
The perfect addition to any festive celebration. Crafted with a meticulous balance of sweet honey and an array of comforting spices, including cinnamon, cassia, and cloves, our Mulled Mead provides a rich, spiced sweetness that embraces your palate.
Each sip conjures the snug warmth of winter evenings by the fireside. Enjoy it as is, gently warmed, or add a dash of rum for an extra dose of festive spirit, making it the perfect customisable drink for any festive occasion.
Quaff on! (Responsibly.)
This product can only be shipped within the UK.
Every purchase you make supports the work of Shakespeare's Globe. Thank you!
Brewed by Hive Mind, Wye Valley Co, Wales, on British wildflower and heather honey.
750 ml glass bottle. 6% alcohol by volume.
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Unser Ziel ist es, Shop-Produkte innerhalb von:
Großbritannien – 1-2 Wochen
Europa – 2-4 Wochen
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Mulled Traditional Mead 750 ml
The perfect addition to any festive celebration. Crafted with a meticulous balance of sweet honey and an array of comforting spices, including cinnamon, cassia, and cloves, our Mulled Mead provides a rich, spiced sweetness that embraces your palate.
Each sip conjures the snug warmth of winter evenings by the fireside. Enjoy it as is, gently warmed, or add a dash of rum for an extra dose of festive spirit, making it the perfect customisable drink for any festive occasion.
Quaff on! (Responsibly.)
This product can only be shipped within the UK.
Every purchase you make supports the work of Shakespeare's Globe. Thank you!
Brewed by Hive Mind, Wye Valley Co, Wales, on British wildflower and heather honey.
750 ml glass bottle. 6% alcohol by volume.
The perfect addition to any festive celebration. Crafted with a meticulous balance of sweet honey and an array of comforting spices, including cinnamon, cassia, and cloves, our Mulled Mead provides a rich, spiced sweetness that embraces your palate.
Each sip conjures the snug warmth of winter evenings by the fireside. Enjoy it as is, gently warmed, or add a dash of rum for an extra dose of festive spirit, making it the perfect customisable drink for any festive occasion.
Quaff on! (Responsibly.)
This product can only be shipped within the UK.
Every purchase you make supports the work of Shakespeare's Globe. Thank you!
Brewed by Hive Mind, Wye Valley Co, Wales, on British wildflower and heather honey.
750 ml glass bottle. 6% alcohol by volume.
Unser Ziel ist es, Shop-Produkte innerhalb von:
Großbritannien – 1-2 Wochen
Europa – 2-4 Wochen
Rest der Welt – 2-4 Wochen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Print-to-Order-Produkte getrennt vom Rest Ihrer Bestellung versandt werden. Das heißt, wenn Sie diese Artikel zusammen mit anderen Shop-Produkten bestellen, kommen diese nicht alle zusammen an und Sie erhalten mehrere Lieferungen.
Unser Ziel ist es, Shop-Produkte innerhalb von:
Großbritannien – 1-2 Wochen
Europa – 2-4 Wochen
Rest der Welt – 2-4 Wochen
Bitte beachten Sie, dass Print-to-Order-Produkte getrennt vom Rest Ihrer Bestellung versandt werden. Das heißt, wenn Sie diese Artikel zusammen mit anderen Shop-Produkten bestellen, kommen diese nicht alle zusammen an und Sie erhalten mehrere Lieferungen.