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Hamlet - A Graphic Novel (Classics in Graphics) - Paperback


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Customer Reviews

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The tragedy of Hamlet, brought to life through the visual talents of illustrators Alessandro Valdrighi and Edu Rubio. The tragic mayhem swirls on the page - as Hamlet's life crumbles around him.

 is at the heart of this series, flinging wide the doors of literature for everyone to enter and understand. Including dyslexia-friendly design on every page, and encouraging readers to see themselves in iconic roles - casting spells, falling in love and winning duels.

Each graphic novel includes pitch-perfect illustrations for presenting the tragic, the romantic, the comedic and  the magical.

Every purchase you make supports the work of Shakespeare's Globe. Thank you!


Author: Steve Barlow & Steve Skidmore

Reading age: 9 -14 years

Illustrator: Alessandro Valdrighi & Edu Rubio

Format: Paperback

Size: 180 mm x 250 mm x 15 mm

Pages: 112